Veterans and Hair Loss

In honor of Veterans Day earlier this month, we’re discussing hair loss, PTSD, stress and veterans. Here at Emerge Trichology in Tampa, FL, we provide hair loss treatments and services for FREE to our veterans through the VA. If you’re looking for free hair loss treatments for veterans and live in the Tampa area, call us at (813) 820-0022. Hair loss is more than just a cosmetic issue. It can also affect our sense of self and our confidence. Hair loss can also reflect internal health issues such as thyroid disorders or low iron levels.

Emerge Trichology
November 28, 2020

In honor of Veterans Day earlier this month, we’re discussing hair loss, PTSD, stress and veterans. Here at Emerge Trichology in Tampa, FL, we provide hair loss treatments and services for FREE to our veterans through the VA. If you’re looking for free hair loss treatments for veterans and live in the Tampa area, call us at (813) 820-0022. Hair loss is more than just a cosmetic issue. It can also affect our sense of self and our confidence. Hair loss can also reflect internal health issues such as thyroid disorders or low iron levels.

As a military veteran, there may be many reasons for your hair loss. For veterans, male and female hair loss can be caused by alopecia, cancer, PTSD, chemotherapy, stress, exposure to Agent Orange or burns and scarring. Stress can contribute greatly to hair loss. It can even worsen conditions like alopecia. High stress levels and PTSD can cause hair to enter a “resting stage,” causing it to fall out in the shower or when brushed. Stress can also cause trichotillomania, when you pull out your own hair as a coping mechanism. Stress causes some hormones to heighten which can also have effects on the body and mind. In most cases, the hair may return after a period of time and is not often permanent. However, hair loss due to alopecia areata and other conditions may now.

Emerge Trichology is VA certified. We will work with you to find the cause of your hair loss and identify the right treatment. Our end goal is always to help you achieve natural looking, fuller hair. We’re proud to offer hair loss treatments and hair replacement services for veterans. Thank you for your service!


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